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Base 2 News

12th February 2017 – by Miss Pitchford
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We have had another lovely and very busy week in Base 2.

In literacy we have continued reading The Sea of Dreams and we found out that the little boy fell out of the boat because of the huge, crashing waves. Luckily, he was rescued by some friendly mermaids who delivered him back to his family so they could continue their journey to their new home. We are going to be writing our own version of this story next week, so in preparation we choose the polar animal that could play the part of the mermaids and rescue our character. We used books and the computers to find out about some different animals and then did some non fiction writing about what we had learnt. The writing was separated by question headings such as 'What do they look like?' and we worked hard to include as much detail as possible. We finished the week by writing a postcard to the mermaids from the little boy to say thank you and describe our new home. The Y1 children focused on ensuring names of people and places had capital letters whilst the Y2 children had to ensure they included some lovely description using expanded noun phrases.

In maths we have been working on position and direction. We've learnt a strategy for remembering our left and right and have been getting very dizzy whilst practising turning clockwise and anticlockwise! The Y1 children have been turning in both directions and measuring quarter, half, three quarters and whole turns. The Y2 children have taken this an extra step forwards and have been describing their turns using right angles. On Friday the children blew me away with their confident work in our first lesson on fractions so I am looking forward to a super week of maths this week.

On Monday we had a wonderful show and tell session when all of the children who have brought in their polar animal work or book box homework shared what they had done and all of their fascinating facts. We will enjoy having a look at some more homework tomorrow.

We also finished off our D and T project this week by evaluating our boats. We looked back at the initial design criteria and then each of the children decided which of the criteria their boat had met and what had been especially good about their boat. After this they thought about how it could be made even better if they were to make the boat again and did some writing to say what could be improved and how they would do it.

It was e-safety day on Tuesday and so we have been talking a lot about staying safe on the internet. The children impressed me with how much they could remember after watching a short clip about how we can ensure we stay safe online and we even gave Mrs Rowlands some top tips when she popped in!

After all of this we found time for some art on Wednesday afternoon that was inspired by a story we have been reading, Immi. Immi lives in a igloo that looks like any other igloo until she starts finding beautiful, colourful bits and bobs at the end of her fishing rod that she uses to make her home more colourful. We decorated Immi's igloo for her using brightly coloured paint and making the shapes of feathers and flowers using our fingertips. The children worked really hard to choose colour carefully and think about the shapes they needed to make.

I hope everyone has had a super weekend.
Miss Pitchford

immis igloo
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