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Base 2 News

5th February 2017 – by Miss Pitchford
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Base 2 have, as always, had a busy week with lots of exciting learning taking place. Thank you so much to everyone who was able to come to the sharing afternoon on Friday. It was lovely to see that the children were so enthusiastic to share all their hard work with you.

In literacy this week we have followed the story of the characters in the Sea of Dreams a little further. We met a whole family who had to run from the sandcastle as the sea started to wash it away and gave them a voice in the form of a diary entry. As this was our second diary entry and we spent lots of time on the features of a diary last week, the children were able to be more independent in their planning and writing. We also explored a page of the book with a very dramatic image of a wave and so wrote some poetry to describe it. We revisited the term 'verb' and in Y2 'adverb' and used our verbs and adverbs about the sea to structure a poem. The children enjoyed playing around with the words until their poem sounded 'just right'.

In maths we have been working really hard to recall the names of 3D shapes as well as describe them using the correct mathematical vocabulary. The children have taken all of this on board and are confidently describing the shapes using terms such as vertices, faces and edges! We been focussed on reasoning and problem solving this week which has involved deciding on criteria for sorting 3D shapes, identifying 3D shapes in the word around us, and identifying 2D shapes on the faces of 3D shapes. The children are working really to give more than a one word answer in their maths work at the moment and instead explain how and why that this their answer.

In Geography this week we continued working on naming and finding the continents (which we are getting really good at) and moved onto learning the names of the 5 main oceans. Ask your children and see if they can remember what they are! We also continued our D and T project and made our boats. The children worked so hard all afternoon, checking their plans and design criteria, and putting together their version of Shackleton's boat. The results were very impressive and most of them also floated when we tested them! The children also did some independent writing on Thursday afternoon and produced some fabulous retellings of a story we have been enjoying over the last few weeks, Lost and Found. It is great to see how the children are enjoying any opportunity to read and write for pleasure at the moment.

We have really enjoyed looking at all of the lovely pieces of homework that have come in this week. It is wonderful to see how enthusiastic the children are to continue their learning at home and find out more. Tomorrow we will be sharing, as a whole class, any book boxes and animal research that has been handed in.

See you on Monday!
Miss Pitchford

lost and found

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