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Base 2 news

25th November 2016 – by Miss Pitchford
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What a fab week we have had in Base 2!

In literacy we have finished reading The Minpins and worked on retelling and sequencing the events in the book using just the pictures and then writing captions to go with them. We have also started to think about poetry and how this is different to the writing we have looked at so far. Next week we will explore this a little more and write some of our own poetry inspired by different aspects of The Minpins.

In maths we have started to look at multiplication. We have done lots of practical work this week to really try and understand the concept of multiplication and looked at how we can use repeated addition to answer multiplication questions. We will continue with this next week and start to look at some reasoning and problem solving questions where the multiplication questions are put into a real life context. If you are practising at home, please could you work on securing the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
Please note: There is no MyMaths homework set at the moment, instead I have sent home the green homework books with a measures activity to be completed. This is due back on Monday 5th December.

On Wednesday we finally got to plant our trees! We spent the whole day learning about the different types of hedgerow trees that were in our pack and planning for the planting in the afternoon. We went outside in our maths session to put our measuring skills to good use, making sure each tree was planted 30cm away from its neighbour. The children also did a lovely piece of writing about the excitement and anticipation they felt for planting their very own tree. We were all able to talk about the different parts of the tree and explain that they needed to grow. Thank you so much to all of the lovely helpers who came along in the afternoon with wellies and spades to help us get the trees in the ground, it made a huge difference and meant that we were all able to go out and plant our trees as a whole class. We will be keeping a close eye on our trees over the next few weeks to make sure they are getting everything they need to stay healthy.

We are very busy preparing for the nativity at the moment, any spare moment we have is taken up with practising the songs. Y2 children are taking on the speaking parts, whilst the Y1 children have chosen if they would like to be a shepherd or an angel and will be singing all of the songs. Y2 children all have their words to bring home and practise, please could you help them with this, we have to say the words using big voices!

I hope you're having a lovely weekend. See you on Monday.
Miss Pitchford.


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