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Base 1 News

27th November 2016 – by Mrs McGhie
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Wow! Another week has flown by in Base 1 , and a busy one it has been! The children have worked super hard this week and completed lots of different activities and tasks. We have also been on our first class trip to Delamere Forest. The children had a great time with Ranger Ben, learning all about the forest including animal habitats and the different things you find in the forest. We also created some forest Art based on our favourite Woodland creatures. Ranger Ben was very impressed by you all Base 1 and told me that you were one of the best classes he has ever taught – well done everyone! Can I also thank all the adult helpers who came with us too, we couldn't have gone without your help.

Back in school – in maths we have been practising accurate 1:1 counting and ordering numbers 1-20. Some of us have been learning our number bonds to 10 and representing these sums in various ways.

In Literacy we have been learning about Robin Hood and next week we will be writing a character description about him. After our visit to Delamere forest we wrote a letter to Ranger Ben thanking him for teaching us about the forest.

We managed to get some sunshine one day and we quickly went outside so that we could learn all about shadows. We tried to make funny shaped shadows and we wanted to see what would happen to our shadows when we jumped. We looked at where the sun was and then where our shadows were cast, and the children are beginning to understand that our shadows are formed when our bodies block the sunlight. We linked this back to the page in The Gruffalo's child when the mouse casts a huge shadow.

In other activities we practised our fine motor skills with coloured spaghetti, picking it up with the tweezers and getting it into the bowls. We made magic fairy potions with food colouring and glitter. We only had three colours, and the children had to mix the colours to get the colour they wanted by following the colour mixing charts.

The children got very creative with Mrs Griffin this week in making a woodland themed puppet theatre. I was very impressed, and the children are now having a great time acting out stories for us all to watch.

We have also been busy rehearsing our songs for the Christmas play. We will be sorting out costumes next week. We should have everything we need already in school, but if there is anything that parents need to get we will let you know as soon as possible.

Hope you have all had a good rest this weekend – see you all on Monday morning!

Mrs McGhie

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