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Base 1 news

22nd September 2017 – by Miss Pitchford
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We have had a brilliant week in Base 1. In our literacy lessons we have read a little more of our story, Stuck. Floyd really does get in a pickle when not only his kite gets stuck in the tree, but also his favourite shoes. After discussing different emotions and feelings we thought about how Floyd would be feeling. Each of the children got to sit on a special chair where they became Floyd and could say exactly how frustrated and annoyed they were to have all these things stuck in the tree. The year 1 children worked on using 'and' effectively in a sentence to join words and ideas and they then practised this in their writing about a new character in our book, Mitch the cat.

In maths the year 1 children have been working on giving 1 more and 1 less than a given number. They have made their own number tracks to use in maths lessons and some have started to explore the 100 square to help them find 1 more or less than some bigger numbers. We have also started to have a go at some problem solving questions and next week we will continue to work on strategies to answer these questions. The reception children have been working hard on their number recognition and have played lots of different games to help them remember the number names. They have also been working on counting out different numbers of objects.

As Summer now seems to have well and truly left us, we have been learning all about autumn this week. On Tuesday we went out on an autumn walk around the school grounds and collected lots of lovely leaves and acorns and conkers that made us think of autumn. We brought all of our finds back into the classroom and used them to create some beautiful natural artwork. The children also created some lovely paintings showing how the leaves change colour in the autumn and start to fall to the ground.

On Thursday it was World Peace Day and we took it as an opportunity to talk about what peace means and looks like. We read a story about some red rectangles and green lizards who were at war and as a class we tried to work out what they were fighting for. The children thought really carefully about the problem and came up with lots of ideas, they all decided in the end that they should stop fighting and try to live peacefully with each other. The children all listened carefully to each other and shared their own thoughts beautifully.

I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend and getting lots of rest ready for another busy week next week!
Miss Pitchford

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