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Yet another thank you received!

16th October 2019 – by B Cador
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John Lupton is Regional STEM Co-ordinator and joined us in school yesterday to work with Base 5 as part of our STEM week focus. The following is part of an email he sent to school this morning.
'I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and all other members of staff who supported the workshop delivery, especially Debbie for her directions, it was very much appreciated and contributed greatly to the success of the day.

The behaviour and work ethos of your pupils was exceptional, all worked very hard during both the demonstration and practical phases of the workshop. In short they are a credit to your school, the staff and of course themselves. All pupils contributed very well, were fully engaged with all activities and managed to design and build a boat that we were able to test.'

Thank you everyone involved, especially Base 5 for being a 'credit' to our school! We're really proud of you!

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