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Year 6 News

25th March 2017 – by J Francis
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Year 6 have enjoyed the change in the weather over the last two weeks – especially as the approach of springtime has meant more opportunities to go on the grass at break times.

Last week we went out to play rounders one afternoon, which was a great way to relax and let off steam. I have decided that we will work on our rounders skills in the lead up to SATs: the children in the class are great at cricket but hitting a ball with a rounders bat is so far eluding them! I hope that regular short games will help us to stay calm and energised over the next few weeks.

We were really proud of the Year 6 team yesterday, when they ran more than 300 laps of the field between them to raise money for Comic Relief – a great achievement. There were certainly some red faces at the end! A special mention must go to Katie who raised more than £100 in sponsorship money.

We are working hard to keep the creative curriculum alive whilst we prepare for SATs in May. Last week we cooked a Sudanese meal and enjoyed eating it in the outdoor classroom. We also did some exciting experiments in science involving eggs and vinegar. There were lots of 'Ooohh!' moments, which is how science should be.

This week was assessment week. The children are all continuing to work hard, but I think they are looking forward to the Easter holidays. I will be able to give you a full update on their progress and areas to work on at next week's parent evenings.

Next week we will be attending Popera at Brine Leas on Tuesday morning. Unfortunately, the event has been scaled down and parents are not attending but you will be able to enjoy the singing and performance at our Easter service in the church on Thursday morning. As we will be back late from Brine Leas on Tuesday, we ask that all children have a packed lunch that day – this can be supplied by school if needed.

I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday or Thursday next week.

Mrs Francis

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