Yesterday, I was privileged to spend a bit of time with Jessica and Izzy in Y6 (at a distance) discussing their Learning Journey work so far this term. They are currently looking at railways as part of their work on 'A sense of place; a sense of belonging' and our village focused term's work.
Both girls are incredible advocates of our Learning Journey curriculum, speaking confidently yet thoughtfully about their learning. They articulated a clear understanding of the Industrial Revolution in Britain and reflecting on the challenges of today's world, Izzy had asked at the start of the work: 'Would 'climate change' still affect humankind if the Industrial Revolution hadn't happened?' Through discussion they felt that change through the introduction of machinery and factories was inevitable but should have been made much more slowly so that we could adapt to it in a way that would have enabled us all to prepare and potentially stop the dramatic challenges we now face.
Jessica talked through her understanding and learning around our railway network and regional railways, tracing back through events in the history of the railways.
Their poems based on the structure and rhythm of 'From a Railway Carriage by Robert Louis Stephenson were a delight to hear and I hope you find time to enjoy them.
Both shared their knowledge of Vincent Van Gogh, their focus artist for their self portrait work and discussed their preferences about his art work, Izzy preferring his landscapes to his self-portraits
The quality of learning, presentation and pride that Jessica and Izzy shared comes from high quality teaching that promotes curiosity and a love of learning. Thank you Miss Phillips and all the teaching team at Wrenbury!
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Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich