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WOW- Base 5

14th January 2019 – by R Charlesworth
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Once again I am staggered by the quality of writing from Base 5. Today they have been describing the island of Wing from our class text, an island that is slowing drowning in the ever rising sea. Here is a little something written by one of our Year 6 pupils today...

At the very foot of the grieving island were tempestuous waters. Taking angry gulps at the vulnerable island, cutting through it as a blade would. The sea was unyielding; surging forwards, seething with anger and retreating, only to pounce again. Lofty walls stood, battling water; and losing. Beyond the walls were sorrowful streets, a devastated post box, and a humpbacked bridge, all leading directly into the churning sea. The single road around Wing turned into the road from nowhere; the death road...leading into the firm sea.

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