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Wild West arrives in Wrenbury

1st July 2015 – by Mrs Cador
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News about our Wild West Fair has spread far and wide and our first 'caravanner' has arrived! He's parked his stage coach on the lawns in front of school...but seems to have lost his horse, which I've been told is on its way!

School is starting to be transformed for the big event. A totem pole has been erected, the bunting and marquee are up...and there's a steady hum of excitement!

Mums, dads, grans, grandads, if you have any spare time or would like to get involved behind the scenes helping the team bring the Wild West to school or can help on the day, do contact school. An extra pair of hands does help!

Thanks to Mr Cador, who spent a very hot evening last night constructing our 3 new picnic tables. They have been bought by FOWS through your contributions and support of FOWS activities and fundraising events. You are helping to make a big difference in school for your children.

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