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Where are you reading?

8th May 2020 – by B Cador
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Alfie has built himself a den in the lounge, and has enjoyed reading his book in there this morning.
He is reading The Wild Folk by Sylvia Linsteadt. Amy, Alfie's mum

Captured this a couple of weeks ago, Joshie reading his Lego book, relaxing on a sun lounger in the sunshine. Sam, Joshie's mum

I'm reading a book which Rev Alison has loaned me. It's called 'Conclave' and I'm just at the beginning, I think it'll turn out to be a thriller! I was enjoying the sunshine in the garden yesterday.. I think I might have to come inside today though....but my book will come with me. I love seeing all your photos on the website, makes me miss you all a bit less. Debbie...Mrs Rowlands

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