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What a mummitastic week!

30th June 2018 – by S Heaton
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What a lovely final week we have had together! Firstly, I'd like to say a HUGE THANKYOU to all the children, parents and staff at Wrenbury – never before have I worked in a school where I have felt so much love and affection!
The children and I began our week with Tadeo Jones, an Egyptologist (or so we thought!). The children watched the beginning of the film and then wrote their own interpretation of what adventure they thought Tadeo Jones would have. They showed how amazing their imaginations are and came up with secret doors, treasure, pressure pads and even finding his father in one of the secret rooms! Once they had written their stories, I showed them the rest of the short film – we discovered that in fact he was not an Egyptologist at all and all the time he had been on a ride at the fair!!!
During our Maths lessons we investigated pyramid building and calculating how many cubes it would take to build pyramids of different heights. The children investigated using real cubes and then needed to look for a pattern to complete their investigation – they worked really well in their teams!
Our Egypt topic books were all finished; the children worked super hard on these and even put in a few extra sessions at playtime if they felt they needed some extra time – it was lovely to see their commitment!
Also this week, the Midwinter family delivered to us a sarcophagus that they had built at home – the children, supported by Mrs Winward, really enjoyed turning it into Tutankhamun's sarcophagus – they took so much care and paid so much attention to the detail – it looks amazing and may even make an appearance in their classroom next year!
On Friday, apart from transforming myself into a mummy momentarily, we spent the day enjoying each other's company and exploring the process of mummification – they love a bit of blood and guts! Once we had discovered how the Ancient Egyptians created mummies, we had a go at mummy wrapping ourselves. Once the mummies were wrapped they then broke free from their 'bandages' – the toilet roll was everywhere!!! It was so lovely to see their smiling faces and hear their giggles of excitement.
I shall truly miss teaching them everyday and hope Mrs McGhie enjoys teaching this lovely group of children as much as I have.

Finally, another HUGE THANKYOU for the generosity shown in your lovely gifts – I feel very honoured!

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