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What a great start to the new half term!

28th February 2016 – by Ms Huntington
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Welcome back everyone. We hope you had a great half term holiday.

In Base 1 we have come back full of energy and ready to learn some more exciting things!

We had a bit of a change around in our room; the reading corner has moved and we have got some new books to read. We have made a 'small world' area where we can imagine and make up stories about animals and people.

We are preparing to go on our trip to the Fire Station and so in our outdoor role play area we have made a ticket office and a train! We have had so much fun pretending to buy tickets and board the train.

The children decided to put some different things into our 'Making area' and we have had a lot of fun with the glue and glitter this week!

Some of us are doing some fantastic writing at busy time and we have a new 'washing line of writing' which the children will find out about very soon. We've had some great writing this week and all the children are hoping to become Writer of the Week.

We had our phonics check this week and all the children are doing so well with their sounds and words. Some children are now learning about the alphabet, the names of the letters and capital letters. We have been talking about when to use a capital letter, for a name or at the beginning of a sentence.

We started learning about take away (subtraction) and the children enjoyed pretending that the cheeky rabbit had stolen some carrots, this helped us to learn about it in a fun way.

We had a great dance lesson on Friday and we added the musical instruments to try to keep a beat going!

We are looking forward to our trip on Wednesday to the Fire Station and World Book Day on Thursday. What a busy week ahead!

Thank you for all the photographs you have uploaded to Learning Book, we love sharing them with the children.

Sorry, but I forgot to take any photographs to share with you this week!!

If you need any help with anything or you have any questions, then please come and speak to us.

Ms Huntington

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