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Welcome to Base 3

11th September 2016 – by Miss Phillips
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What a fantastic start to our new year at Wrenbury!

It is lovely to see all the children looking very smart in their school uniforms and the year 3's are adapting well to being Key stage 2 children, with the help of the year 4's. Everyone in Base 3 is already working as hard as they can and showing an excellent attitude towards their learning.

This week we have been showing off what we can do already and discovering our new topic. Our topic for this term is Indonesian Rainforests based around our class text, Running Wild by Michael Morpurgo. We have already started to identify animals that live in Indonesia.

Next week we will be starting our Maths and Literacy learning which means we all need to have a brains in gear ready to have some fun. In Maths we will be focusing on Number and place value, ensuring we have a good understanding of the basic skills. In Literacy we are going to be writing a piece of descriptive text, uing a wide range of adjectives and making sure all of our sentences make sense.

Year 4 have got an exciting week as on Thursday they will begin their Brass lessons along with the year 5s. French lessons with Madame Sharpe will begin on Friday morning for both year 3 and 4.

I have been extremely impressed with the effort that each child has shown me and it has been lovely getting to know everyone. We must keep up the hard work!

Miss Phillips

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