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Welcome back Base 3

7th January 2017 – by Miss Phillips
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What an excellent start back to the Spring term after our Christmas break! I hope you all enjoyed the holidays, I know the children definitely did!

We have come back raring to learn with a lot of enthusiasm! In literacy we have introduced our text for this terms work, 'Kensuke's Kingdom' by Michael Morpurgo. We have read the first two chapters and been answering questions related to the text. We have been learning how to use point, evidence, explain to answer the questions in detail. Next week we will be starting our work on narrative writing, focusing on character descriptions first.

In Maths, we have been putting our brains to the test with a range of questions and problems which have helped to develop our reasoning skills for number and place value. Everyone has tried very hard to work independently and have a go! Next week we will be continuing to apply our number and place value knowledge and then move onto counting in different multiples.

On Wednesday afternoon, Base 3 went off to Nantwich swimming baths for their first lesson. All the adults who went with them were very complimentary about their behaviour and resilience. Don't forgot swimming kits for next Wednesday.

Base 3 spent Thursday and Friday afternoons doing art with Mrs Francis. They were creating fish art to link with our topic and form part of the display. Everyone enjoyed painting real fish and seeing inside the fish!

Next week, we will finish off the fish art and start our science work for this term. We also have the theatre trip on Thursday to look forward to.

Don't forget PE kit and swimming kit for next week and keep practising spellings and times tables, along with reading every day!

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