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Welcome back Base 3! We may not have had sunshine but your sunny faces have lit up the school this week.

This week, in maths, we have learnt about Roman numerals and then applied this to telling the time on an analogue clock. We re-visited o'clock, half past and quarter past/ to before moving on; reading the time to 5 and 1 minute. This is something the children have really enjoyed doing. Next week, we will move on to look at digital time.

In English we have LOVED our new book The Barnabus Project' and have starting writing our own version of this story. The children's writing has been just wonderful! It is lovely to see how they have progressed over the year, their confidence when writing really shines through. I know the children will love to share their completed stories with you when we have finished them.
This week we worked hard in our music lesson in preparation for our performance at Bridgewater Hall. We will be practicing this more next week too. I have to say that I am impressed with how well the children have taken to their instruments, well done everyone. We are also enjoying singing our song – the actions the children have created are great!

As well as this we remembered the D-Day landings in a special assembly, enjoyed a sports day practice, worked on our comic strips in RE, completed artwork for our project which will be shown in the Nantwich Museum and enjoyed our PE lesson. Another full, fun week in Base 3!

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