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Weekly Update

27th November 2015 – by Miss Davies
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Hello again, how the week has flown!

It has been an interesting week in Base 2 with a focus on geography, history and science. In geography we have been learning about compass directions. We have learned about North, South, East and West and how this then links to parts of the United Kingdom. Base 2 have delved deeper into the history of farming and what grains/animals are involved in farming in different areas of the United Kingdom and the reasons for that.

Science has been about categorising animals, looking at the definitions of herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. We watched a short video examining the teeth of different types of animals, learning that the sharp teeth belong to the carnivores and the flat wide teeth belong to the herbivores who chew using a round motion.

We have had fun in maths, with lots of activities investigating 2d shapes. Some of us have been matching the names of the shapes to how many sides and corners the shapes have. Others have been looking for shapes outside in our school environment or making shapes using the pin boards. In literacy we have been focusing on sentence structure and using verbs, adverbs, nouns and adjectives/ We have been recognising them in some stories shared in class.

Please remember that your rat projects are due in on Monday 30th November. Mrs Everall and I really look forward to displaying them in Base 2 and having a look at what you have created. Please also remember to practise your words for the Christmas Nativity, you are all doing so well but practise makes perfect! 

Have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Davies

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