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Weekly update Base 2

14th November 2015 – by Miss Davies
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Hello everyone!

Yet another busy week in Base 2! We have continued with the pig theme to inspire our learning and have completed some reading activities using the book 'The Three Little Pigs'. We have been practising comprehension style questions and have been recognising the importance of understanding words as well as reading them. The children ended the week by writing an apology letter to the pigs pretending to be the wolf from the traditional tale.

We continued the week using money as our focus in Maths. We are now confident in recognising and naming all of the coins and we have discusssed the use of different currency around the World (linked with Charlotte's Web and how Wilbur the pig is paid for in dollars) We have also worked on adding coins together and finding the total value. The children are enjoying having a shop set up in Base 2 and are putting their money skills into practise. We will end our money focus next week by working on subtraction of coins, looking at change when buying items from the shop.

Art this week has also been inspired by pigs! The children have made pig face collages and they are now on display in the classroom along with photographs of all their hard work. We have also redesigned the front cover of the traditional tale, discussing the importance of a book cover and what it tells the reader before they have even opened the book!

More news next week but until then have a great weekend!

Miss Davies

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