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Weekly News Base 5

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We have had a busy week in base 5 and the children have been producing some great work.

In maths we have been looking at decimal numbers, addition and mentally multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. We have been learning how to go about problem solving activities and how to explain our reasoning for how we tackle these problems. The children have been trying to work out strategies for winning maths games ( play NIM at home!) and how to work out if a number is divisible by 2,3,4 or 5. Do you remember the rules?

In Literacy the children have done a great job writing a story setting using ambitious descriptive vocabulary, which involved using adjectives, adverbs, simile and metaphor. We were all very excited to read the next chapter of Wolf Brother and the children have been making some great predictions as to why Torak seems to understand wolf language by locating clues from the text. Let's see if you are right year 6!

In Geography we have been locating mountain ranges on a world map and identifying some famous mountains. The children have produced some great posters about the different mountain ranges by working collaboratively in groups. They researched the information themselves and presented their posters to the rest of the class. The children are developing their presentation skills by speaking clearly and directly to their audience.

The children produced some great art work for the covers of their Learning Journey book in the style of cave paintings. The books are going to look fantastic!

In PE, the children continued with Tag Rugby and have been working on building their team work skills.

Don't forget about homework and spellings Year 6. My Maths and the homophones activity are to be handed in on Tuesday, and the spellings are in your spelling books that you took home to be tested on Thursday.

Next Thursday Bases 4 and 5 will be travelling to Malbank school to rehearse for SingFest. More information will come home next week about this. This is a really exciting opportunity which I am sure the children will really enjoy!

Have a great weekend Base 5. See you on Monday!

Mrs McGhie

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