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Weekly News Base 5

9th June 2019 – by R Charlesworth
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Welcome back Year 6 – I hope you all had a lovely, restful break. It was great to see you all back on Monday – looking good in your leavers' hoodies. As usual we got straight back to it! Working hard on our arithmetic and again, creating some staggeringly good pieces of writing.

Firstly, we wrote to our buddies in Kenya- we wrote at the beginning of the year and now we felt it was nice to write at the end. The children reminisced about their first days at school, they talked about their very first memories with such joy- it was lovely to see. Then they talked about their new adventure- high school, everyone being very positive and excited about this next new step. I will send the letters this week and look forward to hearing back off your friends – I will let you know when they arrive and send them on to you all.

We also began our new book this week- 'The Garbage King.' The children are already gripped! We wrote our own beginning to this, we explored the setting by reading the book, looking at images and listening to sounds- the sound of rain on a tin roof and the sounds of a bustling city. The children did a super job of writing their own versions- they are such great story tellers. The children have also been using their sketching and watercolour skills to re-create the front cover of the book, they considered using colour to create mood and atmosphere in the image.

This week we have also been busy with sports, although the rain has stopped play a few times- let's hope we have sunshine for sports day! Next week is a busy sporting week to, so please make sure PE kit is in every day, thank you.

I hope you have all enjoyed your weekend, I'll see you on Monday.

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