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Warn and Inform – Covid letter 22 09 21

22nd September 2021 – by B Cador
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Please read the Warn and Inform letter attached to this page alongside the information below. Thank you.

As you are aware the number of cases in school has risen. We have been assured by the local authority and Public Health England that our protection measures are robust and have been asked to remind parents of the routines:

· We continue to ask parents to adhere to the one way system for drop off and pick up times

o Please arrive through the gate by the Doctors' surgery and make your way around the site to the designated exit point.

o Children can of course be left at any point to make their own way if you feel they are happy and safe to do so.

· We continue to wear face masks inside school and at certain times outside to protect the vulnerable and try to reduce the risk of transmission

· We continue to keep visitors inside school to a minimum

· We operate a Track and Trace system where potential contacts can be identified and notified

· We continue to ask all in school to regularly wash hands and sanitise.

· We keep the building well ventilated

· We have extra cleaning before and after school as well as at points during the school day.

· We continue to keep the children in their bubbles inside the building and to spend as much time as is possible outside

· We reduce the use of the school hall (assemblies are outside and most children eat lunch in their classrooms)

We have been asked to remind parents:

· If any person displays any potential covid symptoms, a PCR test should be taken – tests should preferably be at a local centre rather than
postal as this reduces the time awaiting a result.

· If anyone has a positive LFD test they should then arrange a PCR test as soon as possible.

· If any household member or close contact tests positive (PCR) for Covid then the household and contacts should also take a PCR test

· While awaiting the results of a PCR test children should not be sent into school

· If contacted by NHS Track & Trace please give details of all your contacts so that they can be notified to take a PCR test.

· Covid symptoms can vary widely. As we are in a position of raised numbers please consider even mild symptoms be treated seriously and
a PCR test taken. We understand that children will display usual cough and cold symptoms, especially with the onset of autumn/winter but
it is advised to do a PCR test anyway.

· If a PCR test comes back negative but there are either new symptoms or a second bout of symptoms a second PCR should be taken

· Where someone has tested PCR positive in the previous 90 days they should not take another test unless there is onset of new symptoms.

· Parents are encouraged to take part in twice weekly LFD tests

When we have cases we are required to notify the local authority (anonymously) and include certain details. Please could you include these in the notification?:

· Date symptoms occurred (if known)

· What are the symptoms?

· Date of positive LFD test (if any)

· Date of PCR test

· Date of PCR result

· What date does the notification of results say the isolation is to end?

This guidance has been disseminated from Public Health England and the Local Authority in school this afternoon due to a raise in positive cases in school.

Thank you so much for your support as we try to ensure both our school families and wider community are kept as safe as possible.

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