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Update from Base 2

16th October 2015 – by Miss Davies
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Hello again from all in Base 2 ( or should we say salutations as that is what Charlotte the spider would say)

The week has flown by as we have been busy finishing off our work on spiders. We have completed work in our learning journeys with glitter webs, using pastels, glitter pieces and black paper. The children have worked hard and they look terrific!

We have finished our very own spider stories in literacy and have been focused on presentation and sentences making sense, as well of course making them as interesting as we can with sentences openers and adjectives.

In handwriting, after working hard on forming letters with tails below the line, we have been concentrating on writing tall letters. We have worked hard on making them tall as well as sitting them on the line.

Science this week has moved on from learning about seasons and the weather to learning about animals, linked with Charlotte's Web. This week we have focused on naming the parts of a spider and explaining the purpose of the different body parts such as the abdomen and the spinnerets. The children have really enjoyed learning the scientific names!

Still thinking about spiders... let me say a HUGE well done and thank you to all of the children (and parents ) in Base 2 who have produced some amazing spider fact posters this week for homework. Mrs Everall and I were so impressed by the effort put in to them and it was clear that the children enjoyed making them! :) They are on display at the back of the classroom but will be given back to the children before half term.

We have another busy week ahead of us with Harvest Festival on Tuesday 20th October but until then, have a lovely weekend!

Miss Davies

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