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Townsports news

28th June 2018 – by B Cador
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Thank you to all the children who made up our Wrenbury and Sound Townsports team and competed in the Field and Track events on Monday and Wednesday night.

There are 3 Divisions for the event: A, B and C. Following great success after only two years competing in the event, last year, the team were promoted out of Division C into Division B meaning that the team were competing against some of the largest schools in Crewe and Nantwich this year.

This year, the children have yet again done us proud:
-Both Year 3 girls and boys AND Year 4 girls and boys came 2nd in Division B for track events; whilst Year 5 girls and boys came 3rd in Division B for track events.
-The whole team came in 2nd place overall in Division B in the Track event on Wednesday night.

These were the placed children from Wrenbury:
-Jessica Y3 girls' hurdles: 3rd
-Laura Y3 girls' sprint: 2nd
-William Y3 boys' bean bag: 3rd
-Alivia Y5 girls' beanbag: 2nd
-Y3 girls' relay: 1st place – Jessica and Laura
-Y3 boys' relay: 3rd place – William, Finley, Charlie, Harry
-Y4 girls' relay: 3rd place – Orla, Sophie, Izzy
-Y4 boys' relay: 2nd place – Charlie, Jerry
-Y5 girls' relay: 3rd place – Natalie

FIeld events
-Y5 javelin: 3rd place – Benjamin

A brilliant Wrenbury and Sound effort. Superb representation and performance from all the children despite the very hot conditions. We are very proud of you!
A huge thank you to Miss Phillips for coordinating the team selection and organisation prior to and at the events alongside her counterparts at Sound. A very big thank you to the staff who volunteered their time to support at the events. A huge commitment from you all – very much appreciated!

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