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This Week in Base 4

10th May 2015 – by Mr McLean
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Well another busy, if slightly shorter week in Base 4.

We have continued researching Cleopatra as part of our computing work and will be looking to understand how to work collaboratively to start to populate our class Wiki.

In Science, Year 5 looked at the effect of heat on different materials and established whether the reactions that were observed resulted in reversible or irreversible changes. We also then considered the safety aspects of having clothing or other items made of certain types of materials.

Maths saw us start to look at percentages, how they compared to equivalent decimals and fractions and finding different percentage of amounts. We quickly realised that if we could find 10%, 5% and 1% of an amount we could pretty much find any other percentage of that amount by manipulating the values we had found.

We have been considering what life might have been like for people in Egypt in ancient times and whether conditions were different for different types of people. We then started to write our own stories based on the ideas from our class novel, The Time Travelling Cat and the Egyptian Goddess, about travelling from the present back to ancient Egypt via a portal of some sort. We are looking forward to completing these and then starting to look at the writing of instructions.

The highlight of our week was definitely the visit of Mr Bolton from Brine Leas Art Department when he came to work with us on Wednesday morning. We sketched images that had been taken from around our school and then used pastel crayons to show the outlines of these images. After washing colours over these, we examined contrasting shades and colours that could be used to paint adjacent areas. You can see from the pictures here some examples of the fantastic work in progress. Many thanks to Mr Bolton and we look forward to welcoming him back after half term.

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