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This week in Base 4

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We've finished off this week all dressed up in Wild West outfits to enjoy our activity afternoon, helping to get the Totem Poles ready for our Wild West themed summer fair. Some of the children had their photo taken with a horse – and some came with their own!

In Maths this week we have been looking at time problems, whether duration or working out departure or arrival times with timetables. We then looked at deciphering information presented in the form of line graphs.

We have been working on some grammar work in literacy to understand abstract nouns, causal connectives and synonyms. We also looked at identifying the word class and predicting definitions of some more unfamiliar words that we had identified in the book Weslandia that we have been looking at.

We continued looking at the changes in burial structures in ancient Egypt in our topic work, finding out about a well respected architect, Kah who was involved in the design of the magnificent tombs built into the rocks in the Valley of the Kings. We also then looked at Egyptian art that was used to decorate the tombs of the Pharaohs. In RE we have also learned about the story of Moses and that although he grew up as an Egyptian Prince he ended up leading the Jewish slaves out of Egypt.

Year 5 had their follow-up meeting with the ChildLine team and have gone home with an information pack this time.

Don't forget that this Wednesday afternoon is Sports day (Thursday is our back-up in case of rain), so remember your coloured T-shirt for you team.

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