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Thank yous

29th October 2018 – by B Cador
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Nantwich Foodbank has sent us a letter of appreciation for our school's contribution to their Combined Harvest Appeal. If you want to offer regular contributions to this local good cause that supports many families in and around the Nantwich area, including in Wrenbury, there is a collection box in St Margaret's Church. Thank you.

Also thank you to the Pentecost family who offered the use of their daughter's wedding marquee for use for local fundraising. FOWS and Friends of St Margaret's were both recipients of funds raised at the Magic in a Marquee event a few weeks ago. Many thanks ~ the children will benefit from the £165 raised for school.

Huge thanks to Joe Kelly and Steve Harding who, yet again, are hosting the village Bonfire and Fireworks display on Saturday 3rd November at 6.30pm and are generously donating half of the proceeds to school. We very much appreciate your continued support.

And, thank you to Joe Kelly who, once again, is providing tickets for our KS1 children to have a wonderful cinematic experience in January. The staff enjoy the treat as much as the children!

Thank you to Friends of Wrenbury School for all their fundraising and hosting fun events for all our children to enjoy.

A very big thank you to Mrs McGhie for the work she has undertaken as part of the Wrenbury teaching team in recent years. We all wish her and her family well.

Thank you to Becky Pass and Lauren Ridgeway for ensuring that there is 'toddler' provision within the village, setting up Wrenbury Toddler Group in School House every Wednesday from Wednesday 7th November.

Finally, a sincere thank you for all your support as we set up Little Wrens and The Nest OOSC in the main building. A huge thank you to Anna Pitchford and Emma Griffin in Little Wrens and to Nic Pegram at The Nest. Feedback to these new ventures in school has been very positive and gratefully received.

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