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Thank You from the Governors

12th June 2020 – by J Davies
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The Governors have continued to work alongside Mrs Cador during lockdown and would like to take this opportunity to say how proud we are of the hard work and dedication the whole team has put in to maintain educational provision in such demanding circumstances.

As you know the school has remained open for Key Worker children and Vulnerable children. This has not been easy, demanded staff to operate in a very different way, but they have, and children have been very happy. All staff have been working hard at home or in school providing work, carrying out training and deep cleaning areas and equipment. Wrenbury staff are committed to providing the best for children and we are sure you acknowledge this too.

We are now entering a new phase of lockdown with more children due to return to school. Mrs Cador has carried out a very thorough Risk Assessment and decisions around who returns and when is based solely on the safety of pupils and staff and Government guidelines. Pupil safety is a priority but we must also be aware that some staff do have vulnerable and shielding relatives at home or their own health concerns so their health and well-being is important to us too.

School will be a very different place for a while but we hope you will work with Mrs Cador and her team to continue the good work that has been put in by all over the past few months. I know that there has been super work going on at home too, shown on the School News feed.

The team at Wrenbury, led by Mrs Cador, have always given their all for the children and we as Governors wish to publicly thank them for the superb effort that is being put in to support the education and well-being of all pupils.

Take care and Stay Safe.
Jenny Davies (Chair of Governors)

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