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Thank you for supporting school

15th June 2017 – by B Cador
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A number of THANK YOUs are needed!

We would like to thank:

  • 'Fun In a Field for a Fiver' event organisers where 1/4 of the profits will come to school. Do please support the event on Saturday. The children have the first slot at 2pm!
  • Mr Whalley (one of our governors) for fundraising for Sports competition kits for our school teams at the forthcoming Cholmondeley Castle Triathlon. Please support by donating to his 'Just giving' page or send in a donation to school. https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/terry-whalley?utm_id=2&utm_term=wm3DgvPQa
  • Staff and FOWS for organising Film Night next Thursday after school. More information shortly.
  • Mrs Goodwin (Olivia's mum), Mrs Waters (Xander's mum) and Mrs May (Harry's mum) for recent donations to support the teaching and learning in school including books and role play costumes.
  • Mrs Heath (Ruby's mum) for volunteering to run a refreshment stall at our forthcoming Sports Day on 4th July.
  • Mrs Griffin (EYFS TA) for the generous donation of the 'Wendy House', which has been reconstructed as 'The Shed' by Mr Cador and Mr Eaton in the EYFS outdoor area.
  • Mrs Clarke (Iona's mum) for running our Gardening Club and encouraging our youngsters to be green fingered.
  • Mrs Falding (Charlie and Laura's gran) for her donation of the book 'You wouldn't want to live without bees!'
  • Mrs Midwinter (Charlie and Laura's mum) for helping with the 'Don't bin it tin it' collections. Do please keep sending them in – two full bins filled so far!
  • Mr and Mrs Jones (Charlotte's grandparents) for regularly helping in Base 4
  • Mrs Higham (a member of the community) for donating some non-fiction books for the library.
  • All the staff at Wrenbury school for going the extra mile to make school a lovely, caring place for our pupils to learn.
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