Super organisation (thank you Miss Phillips, the Wrenbury team and FOWS), fantastic parent support and wonderful, sporting children made our Sports Day afternoon a great success yesterday.
It was fantastic to be joined by so many of you to watch all our children take part. It was lovely to be joined by the preschool; our new starters had already spent the morning and lunch time in school so got to experience a full day in school with us, which was lovely.
Competitive racing, lots of smiles and wonderful examples of 'We all matter' exemplified the afternoon, as did the wonderful support to help set up the gazebos first thing in the morning, provide refreshments and help with the clearing up. We have a wonderful team of support. We have a wonderful school!
And now to our Sports Day Champions:
Blue team won the trophy with 111 points this year. A huge well done to all the Blue Team children, who can be seen in the first photo doing their celebration run down the track.
Red team came a close second with 107 points; third were green with 89 points and in fourth place were Yellow with 85 points.
Well done to all the children for their exemplary behaviour, fair play and enthusiasm! We're very proud of each and everyone one of you!
Enjoy the photos!
01270 260656
Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich