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Special guest assemblies

29th June 2020 – by Mr Lindop
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We've had two fantastic special guest speakers this week in our assemblies.

On Monday, we were joined by Reverend Fulford who told us about the story of the good shepherd which Jesus told. It was lovely to see Rev'd Fulford and gave some of our older children a message of who might be the people who are forgotten or need more help or kindness in our community to reflect on.

Then on Wednesday, Tracy from Wrenbury Nursing Home (and Alesha and Ollie's mum) spoke to us about a very special lady, Mary who is celebrating her 100th birthday at the end of July. Tracy told us about all of the things that have happened in throughout Mary's incredible life and how she might not be able to celebrate her birthday with her friends and family at the moment. The children are really keen to help Mary celebrate!

We also heard all about the activities which Tracy organises for the residents, such as parties, activities and even having live animals like snakes, meerkats and bearded dragons visit the residents. Tracy also explained to the children about dementia and how it can affect people, but how it doesn't change how special and wonderful people are.

Two fantastic speakers who have certainly sparked curiosity in the children given the number of questions and ideas they have been discussing with their teachers. We'd like to send a huge Wrenbury Primary thank you to Reverend Fulford and to Tracy for taking the time to join us and help us connect with our community.

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