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Sharing afternoon

3rd February 2017 – by B Cador
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Thank you for joining us this afternoon. We were delighted that so many of you took the opportunity of sharing in your child's learning and hope you enjoyed the special time together. If you weren't able to join us this afternoon, do try to join us at our summer term Sharing Afternoon.

The following are a flavour of the many lovely, positive comments left by parents and pupils.
Parent Comments:
-'Really pleased to have the opportunity to see all the hard work X has been doing. The progress that she has made since joining Wrenbury is very clear!'
--'I was delighted to see the progress X has made since starting Wrenbury. He is very obviously thriving in this extremely positive learning environment. I am very proud of him.'
-' Some fabulous work. Lovely to see the progress X is making.'
-'fantastic opportunity to spend a quality time with X and look at his work and see improvements.'
-'It was lovely to see X's work in such a lovely atmosphere – great idea!'
-'Nice, informal, relaxed way to view X's work and see the progress he has made first hand.'
-'I loved the 'Into the Forest' book – what a fabulous book! Thank you!'
-'It was very interesting to see all the hard work that goes on at school, having a longer time than we usually do at parent's evening. the Learning Journey book is just beautiful!'
-'Great job. well done. She really does enjoy school.'
-'What a wonderful idea. I really enjoyed looking through the children's work with them.'
-'What a fantastic event! Thank you for inviting us into school and allowing the children to tell us about their work.'
-'Very impressed with X Learning Journey book, she has really enjoyed this topic and even asked to do extra research at home about nocturnal animals!'
-'I am really proud of X's hard work and I really enjoyed her showing me her book and how proud she was to show me.'
-'Lovely to see X's work. His enthusiasm in his topics is lovely to see.'
-'beautiful topic books from all three children.'
-'It's always interesting to see what he's been doing and how he goes about things. the workbooks are also a pleasure to read.'
-' Great opportunity to see how they are progressing.'

Pupil comments:
-'I am proud of my work.'
-'I liked showing mummy and daddy my work.'
-'I'm glad my mum has seen my work and I think we should do it more often.'
-'I really enjoyed this and it was really fun to show our parents our work and I would like to do it again.'
-'I am happy because I like my mum and dad coming to school to see my work.'
-'I love school!'
-'I'm glad my mum got to see my work and we should do way more of these so our parents know how well we're doing in class.'

Thanks to Chloe for the photos.


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