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Science week – Monday in Base 1

9th July 2018 – by Miss Pitchford
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It's been a brilliant start to our healthy mind, healthy body science week today. We started the day with our first Wrenbury walk, after 2 laps of the playground and field we were feeling refreshed and ready for a day of learning. We are hoping to get fitter and quicker the more we do it.

In the photos you will also see our assembly with Mrs Rowlands who told us all about 'self care' and what we can do to help ourselves feel better if we wake up feeling a little bit under the weather. We learnt that sometimes it is important to go to the doctors and at other times we can do things to help ourselves feel better. We now know that if we don't feel very well it is important to drink plenty of water, try to have a good nights sleep and try not to spend too much time in the sun. We must also tell the grown ups around us exactly how we are feeling so they can do the right thing to help us feel better.

Coming home in our bags tonight is our science week challenge. We have got to try and eat our 5 fruit and veg every day ALL WEEK! We can record what we have eaten on the chart and a grown up must sign it to say we have filled it in correctly. If we do this and bring it in next Monday the children who have eaten their 5 (or more) fruit and veg will get a special treat with Miss Pitchford.

We hope you have enjoyed our Monday update, all of the children in Base 1 shared their fabulous ideas to write the blog post today. More to come tomorrow.

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