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Red Nose Day

24th March 2017 – by Miss Phillips
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What a fabulous day for our Red Nose Day challenge! The sun stayed shining, which allowed all children to complete their mile or mile and a half run. Everyone came to school looking pretty silly in their silly hats!

Key stage 1 completed their mile run during the morning equipped with plenty of silly hats, collecting a stamp for every lap they completed. Their challenge was 10 laps of the football pitch, most children managed even more then 10! Well done key stage 1, an excellent effort.

Key stage 2 went out to complete their mile and a half run wearing their silly hats (not many of them stayed on for the whole time) after lunch with the sun still shining. The children had a bigger challenge of 15 laps of the football field. Everyone did extremely well, completing 15 if not more. Some children managed over 20 without stopping! A very good effort from everyone!

The staff also did their bit, joining the children running around the field with their silly hats too.

The aim of the challenge was to raise money for Red Nose Day to help other people in the UK and around the world. Whilst we were excellent at running, we were even better at raising money to help others. From the sponsors as a school we have raised a phenomenal amount! We have raised a total of £801.90!!!!! Katie in Base 5 has managed to raise a fantastic £116.50! Well done to everyone and thank you for all of your support in helping others, you should be very proud of yourselves.

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