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Reading Workshop Feedback

10th October 2017 – by B Cador
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Thank you to staff for leading the Reading Workshop on Monday.

The event and its content were well received by those who attended.
All completed an evaluation and were unanimous that they strongly agreed or agreed in their responses to the following statements:

  • The aims of the workshop were achieved.
  • The presentation was well organised.
  • The content of the workshop was relevant.
  • The presentation was informative and useful.
  • The quality of the learning materials and resources was good.
  • What I have learned will support me in helping my child with their reading
  • The venue and set up for the presentation was appropriate.

Here is a flavour of the additional comments given:

  • This workshop was brilliant. I have so much more to bring to the table when reading with my children. Thank you.
  • I found this very informative and helpful. I am lucky because both M and L love reading but knowing how I can encourage them further is fantastic.
  • Very, very useful. Lots of little things I can do at home to help the children on a daily basis.
  • It's great to get more information about how the children are taught.
  • Thank you for putting on this workshop. It is really great to see what the children are working on and how much they can benefit from reading regularly. Very useful!

Parents appreciated being able to bring the children, which alleviated childcare difficulties for some and enabled them to attend.

Our next workshop is a maths workshop on Monday 20 November at 6pm. Do come along.

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