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Pupil Voice – Religious Education

5th March 2016 – by BC
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based on RE teaching and learning Autumn 2015 to end of Spring 1 2016.

Thank you to Mrs Rodway who has collated our 'Pupil Voice' on the teaching and learning of RE across school.

It is lovely to see that RE is engaging our children, that they are taught through many different teaching and learning strategies and that the children are able to talk their learning.

Imogen Y6
What have you learnt that you didn't know before?
-Muslims pray five times a day
-Charities – send a cow to Africa
What have you enjoyed?
-I enjoyed British Values (linked to RE unit on values)
-I liked doing the art in it
How do you like to learn RE?
-Group work
-Research on computers
-Assembly and workshop with Imran
-Practical things

Ruby Y6 RE
What have you learnt that you didn't know before?
-Muslims wash in a particular way before they pray
-Muslims don't eat pork – strictly forbidden
-British Values – what we have to do to be kind
-Charities- lots of charities like Christian Aid
-Christians like helping people
-If they do kind things God will accept them and send them to Heaven
What have you enjoyed?
-Worked in lots of different groups
-Worked with people I don't normally work with – get better results
How do you like to learn RE?
-Sketches and role play
-Practical things with props
-Visitors – good because I met a Muslim
-I never met one (a Muslim) before
-Taught us five pillars

Daisy Y5 RE
What have you learnt that you didn't know before?
-Learnt much more about sacred texts
-Synagogue is a bit like a Church
-Keep The Torah in precious cases – kept in the Ark
-Islam and Muhammad
-Angel came and told Muhammad to 'recite'
-You have to say 'Peace be with him' after Muhammad's name
-Angels make people feel safe and protect them – if you believe in them
What have you enjoyed?
-Researching, because you find out interesting facts
-Imran (Muslim visitor) good to see their point of view
How do you like to learn RE?
-Video clips – they really explain it
-Independent work because sometimes in group work not everybody works as hard

Alfie Y5 RE
What have you learnt that you didn't know before?
-Learnt that there's more than one sacred text – not just the Bible
-Didn't know about the Mosque before – thought they used same book (Bible) but they use a different sacred text
-Before I thought that someone just wrote the sacred text but it was a message from God.
What have you enjoyed?
-I like doing the assessments to see what I can remember
-Making angels
-Visit from Muslim person – learnt new facts about 5 pillars
How do you like to learn RE?
-Visitors – interesting to see what different religions do.
-Group work – someone might know something you don't

Matthew Y3/4 RE
What have you learnt that you didn't know before?
-I didn't know there was a festival of Hanukkah celebrated by Jews
-They defeated the Greeks – it took three years
-They sent the children into the forest – one child was on look out while the others read the Torah
-At Hanukkah they eat donuts and potato pancakes
-I learnt about the Bible
What have you enjoyed?
-Mrs Rowlands and the man (Andrew Taylor – Governor and Methodist Minister) did a role play
-Enjoyed tasting things
-Play that we did with the man through the roof made out of card and Jesus healed him
How do you like to learn RE?
-Activities where you can swap round
-Lots of choices on how to make things

Natalie Y3/4 RE
What have you learnt that you didn't know before?
-They spilt the oil for Hanukkah
-When Syrian Greeks came Jews would hide the scroll
-Dreidel – like a spinning top
-The symbols mean a great miracle happened here
What have you enjoyed?
-Making the Hanukiah which has seven or nine branches
-The one in the middle is the servant candle used to light the others
-Reading the books the man (Andrew Taylor) brought in with Mrs Rowlands
-Stories from the Bible
How do you like to learn RE?
-In groups
-Doing art things

Grace Y1/2 RE
What have you learnt that you didn't know before?
-Love is when you love your family
-Talked about what love and forgiveness are
-Zacchaeus became rich – he decided to share it between everyone
-God said 'People don't like you because you are stealing money'
What have you enjoyed?
-I enjoyed learning about Zacchaeus because it was a fun video
How do you like to learn RE?
-I like it when Miss Davies reads the stories

Lily Y1/2 RE
What have you learnt that you didn't know before?
-I learnt what love is
-I love my rabbit – sometimes it is poorly and goes to the vet
-Zacchaeus stole money and kept it for himself
-No-one liked him when he stole the money
What have you enjoyed?
-Doing the writing about love
-I liked watching the video about Zacchaeus
What have you enjoyed?
-I like it when Miss Davies tells us about new words that we didn't know.

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