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Parent Survey Outcomes

8th March 2020 – by B Cador
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Many thanks to all who completed and returned their Parent Survey by the end of Friday. The feedback has been collated and presents a very positive response to and endorsement of school. Looking at what you have suggested to make school even better, please be assured that we will look for ways to act on them. You can see the Parent Survey outcomes and suggestions to make school even better in the attached document.

Thank you for the lovely, supportive and encouraging comments:
-Thank you for the opportunity to come in and look through, discuss the boys' work and achievements.I can also see the improvement in X's written work. X loves to mark make at home. Good work boys.
-I love that as well as academic/teaching side of things, the children also have great opportunities in terms of health and wellbeing; particularly the wellbeing lunches, which they both look forward to and enjoy. Also the activities and sports are good. Overall, we are very happy with the school. The children love it and we are very pleased that they are so settled and happy.
-Since X has started this school she has come on a lot and has learnt many different things.
-X enjoys coming to school very much. Mrs D has been great with her.
-My child has felt happy since our move! Very happy with how happy and settled he is in the school.
-X really loves coming to school and has formed some lovely friendships.
-Thanks for all your hard work. X is loving school.
-We can clearly see that X is developing well at school. Her writing is improving and also her maths. She enjoys projects ie learning Journey.
- I have been really impressed with X and Y's work, both by the quality, but more by the enthusiasm and pride that they have demonstrated when showing me. They both absolutely love school and learning as well as their friends and teachers – I simply could not ask for more. Thank you.
-Thank you for all the hard work.
-My 4 children have all done amazing at this school and I would definitely recommend it. It is a proper village school that is the heart of the community.
-I think X is thriving and I think Miss Phillips is amazing on how well she deals with everything and pushes X to her limits and beyond.
-Both kids have enjoyed the school since moving here.
-Fantastic school!
-This school is wonderful. Children are only expected to do the best that they can do, and not what society or text books say. They are encouraged at every step and always valued.
-The school does well to inspire learning with limited resources. X particularly enjoys maths and when we have visitors in school.
- X loves school and always looks forward to school days. X's reading and writing has greatly improved since last year.
-The school have always made our children and our family feel welcome and part of the school. I will definitely recommend the school and my children are happy and doing fantastic here.
-Thoroughly enjoyed visiting to see X's work. She seems very happy!
-X is developing well at school and is very happy. Her reading, spelling, writing, maths has improved in Base 4
-Mrs Charlesworth is an amazing teacher who has helped X and Y tremendously with their work and confidence.
-Fantastic school! I have raised some issues over the past few weeks that have been dealt with amazingly!

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