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Our Y6

16th May 2018 – by B Cador
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This was shared on Facebook by Cath M and I thought you'd appreciate it as much as I did! We have fantastic children at Wrenbury. The Y6 have worked incredibly hard with Mrs Charlesworth, Mrs Clarke and previous teachers and teaching assistants to reach this point – SATs week. Whilst they are an integral part of the English education system, they are only a tiny part of who our children are – and we celebrate the whole child at Wrenbury because we know that our children are far more than the outcome of a test!

SATs don't measure sport,
SATs don't measure art,
SATs don't measure music,
Or the kindness in your heart.

SATs don't see your beauty,
SATs don't know your worth,
SATs don't see the reasons
You were put upon this earth.

SATs don't see your magic,
How you make others smile,
SATs don't time how quickly
You can run a mile.

SATs don't hear your laughter
Or see you've come this far,
SATs are just a tiny glimpse
Of who you really are.

So sitting at your table
With your pencil and your test,
Remember SATs aren't who you are
REMEMBER you're the best!

We're very proud of you Y6!
Mrs Cador

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