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Our week in Little Wrens

24th November 2023 – by Miss Gregory
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Happy Friday Little Wrens. It may have been a shorter week than usual but that hasn't stopped us from lots of wonderful learning.

This week, our learning has been led by the story, 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. To support our communication, language and literacy skills, we have have read the book daily. The children are getting very good at naming parts of the book, for example, the front cover, blurb and title. We have also discussed new vocabulary and have been introduced to new words to describe size, such as, huge, ginormous, massive, tiny, little, small etc. As the children have become familiar with the story, we have joined in with familiar phrases and we have used masks and props ( another special thank you to Edwards' mummy for crocheting us the three bears and Goldilocks).to re enact the story. We have also worked on using intonation and changing our voices for the different characters.

In our mathematics, we have enjoyed singing the song, 'When Goldilocks went to the House of the Bears'. Using props from the song/story, we have been encouraged to use size and comparative language to talk about the items. Mabel said, Daddy Bear's bed is big and massive. Bonnie said, This bowl is tiny and that bowl is huge.

In other news, we have enjoyed taking part in yoga, tackling all the different poses. We have used blocks to create a new bed/chair for baby bear, we have used water colours to paint a picture of the characters from our story, made reindeer food, explored how to make the colour brown then created our own paper plate bear, taken part in daily phonics and dough disco sessions and we have also been busy practicing our nativity each day. I can tell that you have been practicing at home – thank you!

Thank you for another fantastic week.

Have a wonderful weekend Little Wrens
Miss Gregory


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