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Our week in Base 3

1st May 2015 – by Miss Carter
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Another busy week in Base 3 has passed. We have been continuing to get stuck in with our Ancient Egyptian studies, including art and D&T making mummy coffins, music listening to and creating Egyptian sounds and songs and RE-learning more about the Ancient Egyptian art of burials.

In Literacy we have focused on the next of our book and have all written, edited and redrafted detailed atmospheric descriptions of the moment when Topher woke up in the night to the sight of the stone carving of 'Ka' the cat beaming circles of light on the wall from her eyes! Compelled to touch the endearing carving, Topher gives in to temptation and touches the cat. What happens next shocked us all...! The children deserve lots of credit for their effort with presentation skills of their final drafts and many children even got the opportunity to write in pen for the first time! I am always on the lookout for the next child to graduate and earn their very own pen for writing.

A big well done to those children who have earned their Bronze and Silver Reading Challenge awards this week! A special congratulations to two members of Base 3 for earning over 150 stamps and therefore your GOLD Reading Challenge award. Fantastic effort! Your efforts with quality reading and questioning at home are really making an impact on your children's learning and progress in school so please do keep it up!

Spellings given out for this next week are now focusing on collections of words that children at Year 3 and 4 are required to learn and know, set out in the New Curriculum 2014. One practice daily please everyone!

In Maths, we have continued to crunch through some number work, focusing on place value, manipulating how the digits can be changed by adding and subtracting multiples of 100/10 and units. This has been mostly practiced within the context of money so the children are always making that link with their learning in school and real life outside of school. Any opportunities for you to support your child to handle money, finding totals, checking correct change and problem solving with prices and budgets in the shops will reinforce what we are doing in class brilliantly.

If you haven't seen it already, do take a look at my previous article in the news this week celebrating the children's incredible work designing and constructing Mummy Sarcophagi. These will look fab as part of the front of our Topic Learning Journeys. They will soon be on display in class...so do feel free to pop in and have a look in the next week or two.

Finally, well done to James C for earning Star of the Week this week :)

Enjoy the extra long bank holiday weekend everyone! See you all on Tuesday refreshed and ready for another exciting week.

Miss Carter

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