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Our week in Base 3

12th June 2015 – by Miss Carter
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Friday again! This week has flown by for us...

In Literacy we have made a start on our final draft holiday brochures, piecing together information sections alongside images and persuasive eye catching offers and slogans. This will be completed into next week as we have worked very carefully on presentation and including corrections.

Lots of our time at the start of the week was dedicated to our 'Schoolzfest' art work! The children have worked meticulously to create their own hand print, as part of the family of Wrenbury, which is the theme for the art this year. Some hand prints are to be displayed at Nantwich Museum as part of the festival. The remaining hands will be proudly displayed in our school so we have the opportunity to spread the 'prints of Wrenbury family' all over Nantwich! The hands themselves had to showcase the child and their personality, meaning that there were an abundance of creations from henna-style patterns incorporated with images on the hands, to scenes and settings of favourite places being drawn and painted within the hand. Make sure you see them on show at the museum and school to be wowed by the children's individual creativity!

Maths has involved Year 4s looking at decimal numbers with two decimal places...can your child order and compare them? We think they can now! Year 3 have been investigating patterns and sequences within number, in particular practicing strategies of how to spot and identify them by counting between jumps and look at patterns within the digits.

In Science Year 3 have started to learn about our next unit of study- Light. We have explored natural and artificial light, revised what transparent, translucent and opaque means (the recall of which i was very impressed with since we last talked about those words in Autumn term!), and finally we took ourselves outside to investigate some shadows and how they were made. The weather was perfect for this occasion and we were very lucky to have some sunshine to help with our learning. Our lesson next week may not have as much luck looking at the forecast...perhaps we will study darkness next week if we have lots of rain and clouds!

A big well done to Heather for achieving 'Star of the Week' for her intricate and detailed paint work on her 'Egyptian Scribe's Graffiti Board'. All of the children's graffiti boards are completed and ready to go into their Topic Learning Journeys, so come into Base 3 and see them if you are around and about school.

A big thank you to all of Base 3 for displaying maturity, patience and lovely behaviour throughout today. They have had several visitors teaching capsule lessons throughout the morning and part of the afternoon, which can be very tiring, but they have made myself and Mrs Cador very proud. Well done!

We were very lucky to have two PE sessions with Sportscape this week. They have had their first volleyball experience which was exciting.

I hope the weather remains fine for the weekend! Have a good one...

Miss Carter


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