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Our week in Base 3

5th June 2015 – by Miss Carter
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A lovely week returning back to our final summer half term!

Maths has seen us working on estimating and checking written addition methods in Year 3-the rounding skills in Year 3 are second to none, ready for use in real life situations (shops where we don't have pens and paper!). The Year 4 children have worked very hard on fractions: how to simplify fractions; find equivalent fractions and find equivalent decimals to those fractions. Tricky stuff!

Literacy has been a mixture of Journey Man performance developments and planning for our persuasive holiday brochure inserts. We have been hearing about a place in Ancient Egypt, in our class story recently, called Bubastis...so the children have worked very hard over the holidays gathering information about this Ancient City. They have spent all week piecing together first drafts of persuasive writing, along with images and other material, in order to persuade people to visit this fantastic place in Ancient Egyptian times! The 'Festival of Cats' that takes place there really does seem the event to be at during Summer time! The full class brochure will be finally edited and drafted next week and on display in class and in Topic learning journeys to be viewed by all.

In Topic we have completed our work on the Great Pyramid and its incredible inside architecture. Our findings of 'portcullises' and 'King Khufu's chamber contents' wowed us all. Come and check out the fascinating presentation of the children's internal information of this awe-inspiring pyramid. Also this week, we have been studying the art of hieroglyphic writing and the role of a scribe in Ancient Egypt. The children had time to choose their own paths of interest about this communication form and symbolic drawing, which was lovely to see how they were all inspired in unique ways. The various Gods and Goddesses, along with their unique visual representations captured the minds of all. We then made individual 'Scribe Graffiti Boards' on aged, papyrus-style paper, which included both 'penciled' and painted symbolic inspirations and hieroglyphic coding created by all of the children. They look fab! Again, soon to be seen in our Topic learning journeys. :)

Science has seen the Year 3s investigating bones, and joints in particular, to finish off our unit of work. There were a range of round-robin activities for the children to explore, such as: identifying the difference between hinge and ball and socket joints; exploring real life bone joint models; investigating differences in skeletal forms between various animals by looking at rel life x-rays; and attempting to model their own joint models (e.g. shoulder or jaw) using play dough and split pins/card. The images show how carefully the children were thinking and questioning how our amazing joints really do work!

In PE, Base 3 have enjoyed tennis with our Sportscape coach now that the sunshine and warmth are finally returning. A reminder- all the children are welcome to bring a water bottle to remain hydrated during the day and it can be stored in the class room. We can't have those brains wilting!

Next week, we have a very important Art project to contribute to, as part of Schoolzfest, in collaboration with the rest of Wrenbury School and the schools within the Nantwich partnership. Keep your eyes peeled for these exciting things going on in school next week!

Finally, a big thumbs up to Ryan for achieving Star of the Week this week for his super attitude to all aspects of learning and striving to be his very best at all times...something we always champion at Wrenbury Primary School!

Enjoy your weekend everyone,

Miss Carter


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