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Our Week in Base 3

26th June 2015 – by Miss Carter
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This week has zoomed!

We have been learning all about the 'Mummification Process' this week! The children have loved finding out all the gruesome details of how this fascinating Ancient Egyptian ritual took place. From embalming the body by removing organs and drying it our with Natron, to wrapping the body in its many layers of linen cloth...we really have discovered it all. So the children have then been working carefully on deciding how to present this in their Topic learning journeys. I have given the children open choice on how this is done, so by next week we should have some very individual pieces of work to showcase on our Topic learning journey display.

We have really focused on mental maths this week, developing how we can interpret and explain what a problem is asking us to do. The children have thought very carefully about visual ways to help understand a problem, such as the 'bar model', and how we can get clues from key words that tell us about the operation required to solve it.

Sports day this week was fantastic and we really showed off our tactics and speed in the various races! Well done to all who took part and showed great sportsmanship.

We have been doing lots of Science this week. The Year 3s have been busy continuing their work on 'Light'. They have discovered that light must only be able to travel in straight lines due to their shadow testing-well done! Also, they were carrying out shadow investigations to see if they could find a relationship between the distance the light is from an object and the shadow created from the object.

As well as this, as a class, we have set up a class Scientific investigation to help support our learning of the mummification process- particularly about why the Egyptians went to such lengths to prevent decay in the bodies of the dead. We are using paper samples to test the conditions in which decay happens, and also the effects of decay on paper. This will then help us to understand why the body must be dried out in order to be preserved, and it will be fun to see the effects on the paper samples if this 'drying out' process didn't take place! Yuk! Imagine those bodies if not!

In music, Base 3 have been listening to a French composition. They are going to study the rhythms and learn dances to complement the rhythms.

See our 'Celebration in Base 3' news article for our other achievements this week...

Next week will be all about our Skoolzfest performance of our Iron Age story. Wish us luck- our performance is Saturday 4th July at 12.00 in St Mary's Church in Nantwich. Come and support us if you can!

Have a great weekend.


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