Hello Everyone!
Well, it is tricky to know where to begin! We have had a very busy few weeks in Base 2! Our topic this term is Toys and we are having lots of fun!
We have begun our learning in History about Queen Victoria and have been finding out lots of interesting facts! Did you know that Victoria and Albert had 9 children and that the Victorians are responsible for the introduction of seaside holidays? The children are really enjoying their learning and we will continue next week looking at victorian childhood and schooling which will lead us into our work on toys.
In geography, we have been working hard researching the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the World. The children have studied globes and atlases and have enjoyed labelling places on a map. Homework this week is linked to this learning and the children have been asked to research one of the five oceans.
We have been focusing on counting in 2's, 5's and 10's in maths and have been learning to multiply. The children ended their learning this week with a times table quiz! Next week we will be learning how to divide numbers.
Traditional tales have been the key area of learning in Literacy so far this term. We have been focusing on the re-telling of stories and story structure. Base 2 are also making a real effort to expand their use of vocabulary and uplevel their writing using more interesting words and sentence starters.
Art over the last few weeks has been fabulous! We have chosen the children's illustrator Quentin Blake as our inspiration and have been very busy drawing and painting his illustrations from the books- The Twits,George's Marvellous Medicine and The BFG. The children have found out all about Quentin Blake and have written facts about his life.
More news next week, until then I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Davies
01270 260656
Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich