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Little Wrens – A ROARsome Week!

19th January 2024 – by Miss Gregory
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This week we have been scientists, fact finders, paleontologists and bird watchers....

On Monday we were very excited to discover not one, not two but four eggs sitting in a nest. During our large group time we carefully held the eggs and thought about what could be inside, "a cow", "chickens", a worm", "a dinosuar". We couldn't wait to find out! Then, using tools we scraped the eggs and you won't believe what we found..... DINOSAURS!

So, this week we have been finding out the answer to the question "If dinosaurs are extinct and died out millions of years ago, how do we know they existed?". We found out that we know about dinosaurs including what they looked like, how they moved and what they ate from remains that have been preserved in rocks – fossils. Throughout the week we created our own fossils using salt dough and pasta.

To support our physical development, we have been excavating fossils. We used mallets and chisels to excavate carefully and used paintbrushes to carefully remove the dirt. We learned that digging a bone out of the dirt may seem simple, but paleontologists are careful to preserve the fossils and learn from it as they excavate.

To support our communication, language and literacy skills, we have shared many fiction and non-fiction stories. We have been introduced to lots of new vocabulary, such as, excavate, , extinct, scientist, paleontologist, plates, spikes, horns and we have been learning to pronounce different dinosaur names. We have also enjoyed lots of circle time together looking at dinosaurs and talking about the different features of them. Did you know a T-Rex's teeth were the size of bananas? That a Stegosaurus has plates on it's back? Some dinosaurs were vegetarians?

In our mathematics we have recapped the numbers 1 2 and 3. We have represented these numbers in different ways, sorted objects into their correct group and have enjoyed activities to support our subitising skills.

On Thursday, we took part in the RSPB Schools Big Birdwatch. We spotted black birds, pigeons, a robin and some crows. We have continued to ensure that we look after our birds during the winter months by providing them with lots of yummy food and making sure that there is clean water for them.

During our free play, we have written invitations, shared stories, taken on a role, in particular, dinosaurs, sailed on a ship, sorted dinosaurs, manipulated play dough, used a paper plate to create a dinosaur and so much more...

What and exciting week we have had!

Have a super weekend Little Wrens
Miss Gregory

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