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Learning Journey Sharing Afternoon

20th April 2016 – by B Cador
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It was lovely to invite parents and grandparents into school this afternoon for the first of our Learning Journey sharing afternoons.

We very much appreciate the time you gave to joining us and the lovely comments you left. We hope that this will be the first of other such afternoons in the future, as suggested by one of our parents.

Here is a flavour of the lovely comments we received:
-Brilliant topic books which L was very proud to share with us.
-I have really enjoyed seeing E's work about the Romans and the Vikings. I can see a lot of hard work has gone into each topic.
-Lovely idea – great to come into school and look at F's work. really enjoyed seeing his books.
-The Learning Journey books are beautiful – clearly a huge amount of work, time and effort has been put into them.
-I enjoyed my afternoon with the boys looking at their school work. A warm welcome and a lovely cup of tea and biscuits. thanks to all.
-R has come on loads in the last year. I'm so happy with her whole progress. Well done R.
-F enjoyed showing me all his hard work. He was very proud and so he should be. Thank you.
-Fabulous Learning Journey Books. How artistic your staff are! I was really impressed.
-Thank you for letting us come to the open day. It was very much a special occasion for me.
-Thank you so much for the opportunity to see what T has been doing this year, and his grandparents were able to come too which was wonderful!
-A nice opportunity to share and talk through the children's topics together. They certainly enjoyed it! Relaxed and not rushed. Appreciated the refreshments – thanks!
-I was really surprised by how good her writing is.
-...every time I do come in and see what she has been doing and how she is developing, it genuinely fills me with immense satisfaction and pride. The number 1 thing is X absolutely loves coming to school, she loves her friends and her teachers, ..., and overall, X is simply flourishing! Thank you all for helping X be the little girl that she is.

On a personal note, thank you to ALL the staff for their commitment to the children in school, both academically and for their personal well-being, and supporting the drive for making a difference and thank you to our parents (and grandparents) for supporting us in making Wrenbury Primary School such a wonderful school at the heart of its community. Mrs Cador

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