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Imran's Visit

11th January 2016 – by B Cador
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We warmly welcomed Imran to school today.

He led an assembly introducing the school to Islam as a religion. He showed us some videos, talked about the special religious objects he had brought with him and explained to us the 5 Pillars of Islam:

After assembly, Imran led a workshop with Y3/4 based on prayer followed by a workshop with Y5/6 on Pilgrimage.

We all agreed we had learnt a lot and had a better understanding of Islam as a peaceful religion.

Reverend Alison Fulford joined us for the assembly and said:
"I thoroughly enjoyed the assembly that Imran, an Immam from Manchester, gave on Monday morning. He shared the basics of the Muslim faith in a warm and engaging way. I could see the interest in the children's faces and quick responses to his questions. Please come again!"

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