Hello Everyone!
Big news this week in Base 2! Our sunflowers are moving quickly through their lifecycle and are growing tall and strong. We have watched them develop from seeds to shoots and now to stems with leaves! Very exciting! We know all about the lifecycle of a plant and how a plant grows. We have been watering them and making sure they have had enough light. We cannot wait until the plants produce flowers!
In literacy, we have focused on the character of Mrs Grinling from the story 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch'. We have created mind maps of the adjectives we could use to describe her character and taken part in lots of talk for writing, sharing ideas as a class. Through history and geography we have also completed some writing activities on the city of New York, spotting the famous landmarks and discussing how unfortunately the Titanic never completed its maiden voyage to the Big Apple!
We have been focused on learning tricky words this week and using the suffix 'ed'. We will continue to learn tricky words and recapping phase 5 sounds in phonics. Spellings for all children will be given out Monday 4th July.
We have linked our learning about New York to art this week as well. The children took great care in creating cityscapes using black sugar paper and white paper to make a silhouette. They then used bright crayons to colour the different building to create a stunning New York skyline!
Thank you to Charlotte Middleton for coming to visit Base 2 on Friday and for sharing your lovely stories with us! We had such a great time listening to the adventures of Christopher Nibbles! The children asked some wonderful questions about what it is like to be an illustrator and author. Thank you once again!
We are looking forward to our pirate day on Tuesday 12th July!
Have a lovely week!
Miss Davies
01270 260656
Wrenbury Primary School
Nantwich Rd
Wrenbury, Nantwich