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Further acknowledgements of School's great practice

11th July 2018 – by B Cador
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In the post today, I received a letter from the Standard Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) who monitor the development of RE and Collective Worship in schools. They scrutinise Ofsted reports for local information relating to spiritual, moral, cultural and social development and how well schools are developing an understanding of different religious beliefs and cultures.

We have been sent congratulations from the SACRE committee on achieving specific and positive comments for aspects of RE related to spiritual, moral, cultural and social development in our Ofsted Reort following our January inspection.

A huge thank you to the Wrenbury Team, who ensure 'We all matter' permeates through every aspect of our school and the children's learning. A special thank you to Mrs Clarke for the fantastic RE teaching and wonderful RE books that showcase the Y2-6 children's encounters with other faiths, belies and concepts and showcases the children's personal responses to their learning. Thank you to to Miss Pitchfor and Mrs Griffin for ensuring that the children in Base 1 have positive experineces of RE and are nurtured so well through their SMSC in the early years at Wrenbury. Thank you to those who lead or participate in our Collective Worship to ensure that our children have a broad, balanced and informed understanding of other faiths, beliefs and cultures as part of their SMSC.

Well done to you all!

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