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First week back in Base 1!

8th September 2017 – by Miss Pitchford
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We have had a fabulous first week back in Base 1! The children have settled in beautifully and the new year 1 children have done a great job of welcoming our new reception children. Thank you so much to those children who have brought in their brown bags filled with holiday memories, we have loved sharing your adventures and will continue to do so this coming week until everyone has had the chance to talk about their summer holidays.

The children have spent time this week exploring their classroom and outdoor space and the year 1 children have been busy showing me their brilliant writing and maths. On Friday I introduced our topic for this term, 'People Who Help Us' and we talked about all the people in our lives who do things to help us. We learnt in particular about fire fighters who work hard to keep us safe, we are going to be looking in more detail at fire fighters over the next few weeks. Because of this our role play is a fire station at the moment, but we thought that something important was missing – fire engines! So, on Friday we were kept very busy learning all about the parts of a fire engine and how they are used and then building our own to use in the role play (photos to follow). The children did a wonderful job and were careful to make sure that they were fully kitted out with hoses, water, ladders and all the essential tools!

The reception children had a visit from their year 6 buddies on Thursday afternoon. The year 5 children also came along which meant that we could all buddy up and have some time reading and exploring the base 1 classroom. We had a lovely time and do hope they come a see us again soon.

Y1 parents – it is our pastoral meeting on Monday evening. I will be talking about what life will be like in Base 1 and giving you an overview of the year. I do hope you are able to come!

I hope everyone has had a lovely, restful weekend ready for a full week next week.
Miss Pitchford

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