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End of year celebrations

19th July 2019 – by R Charlesworth
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What a super way to end the year- so many celebrations! We began by a presentation for Y6 by Mr Williamson from Brine Leas High School. The year 6 pupils have been working on a 'Gold Award' project and today was the day for awarding certificates; well done to those who received certificates and badges. Year 6 also received their French certificates after ALL passed their level one in French- what an achievement! This was followed by achieve awards and reading awards. We also celebrated our red and yellow teams who came joint first with their team points; well done. Then came the long awaited attendance finale – it was so close that it was almost anyone's but, as 4/5 classes had 100% this week it meant that the winners were...Base 5, by one week! Well done to everyone; you have made this year a very successful one. Have a wonderful summer.

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